Smart Ways to Avoid Gift Tax in the Netherlands

Gift tax in the Netherlands can eat into your wealth if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are several ways to legally reduce or avoid paying gift tax, provided you plan ahead and follow the rules. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Understand the Annual Gift Tax Exemption

The Netherlands offers an annual exemption for gifts, meaning you can give a certain amount each year without triggering gift tax. For 2024, the annual exemptions are as follows:

  • €6,604 for gifts to children
  • €3,244 for gifts to other individuals (friends, extended family, etc.)

By gifting within these limits, you can transfer wealth to your loved ones without paying tax.

2. Take Advantage of the One-Time Exemption for Children

For children, the Dutch tax system allows a larger one-time exemption. Each parent can give up to €27,231 tax-free to a child in one year (2024), making it an excellent strategy for transferring larger sums without incurring tax.

3. Gift for Specific Purposes

If you gift money for specific purposes, such as education or schenkbelasting omzeilen healthcare, the gift may be exempt from tax. Gifts designated for tuition, school fees, or medical expenses do not count toward the annual or one-time exemptions, as long as the funds are used for the intended purposes.

4. Spread Larger Gifts Over Several Years

If you want to make a larger gift, consider spreading it over multiple years. By gifting amounts that fall under the annual exemption each year, you can avoid exceeding the tax-free limit and minimize or eliminate the gift tax.

5. Leverage Gifts of Property or Real Estate

You can also gift real estate, such as a home or land, within the annual exemption limits. If the property is worth more than the exemption amount, consider giving it incrementally or use the one-time exemption to minimize taxes. Ensure that the value of the property is accurately assessed to avoid surprises.

6. Set Up a Family Trust or Foundation

A family trust or foundation can be an excellent way to pass on wealth over time while minimizing gift tax. By placing assets in a trust, you can ensure they are passed down to your heirs in a tax-efficient way. Trusts require legal expertise, but they can help manage large estates with reduced tax liability.

7. Donate to Charities

Charitable donations are exempt from gift tax in the Netherlands. If you’re planning on making a larger donation, giving to a registered charity can be a great way to avoid tax while supporting a cause close to your heart.

8. Utilize a Notary for Proper Documentation

A notary can help you ensure that your gifts are legally sound and properly documented. Whether you’re giving cash, property, or other assets, a notary will ensure that your gift is structured in a way that avoids unnecessary tax liabilities and is compliant with Dutch law.


Avoiding gift tax in the Netherlands is possible with the right strategies. By understanding the exemption limits, making gifts for specific purposes, and considering tools like family trusts, you can pass on wealth efficiently and without tax penalties. Always consult a tax advisor or notary to make sure your gifts are structured

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